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RASD Transportation Information

To protect the s afety of our students, a detailed bus  schedule will not be published online.  Families are notified of their bus assignments by direct mail.  A detailed bus list with children's names is available in each school office for confirmation as needed.  Be sure to inform the school secretary if you have moved since the last school year.

Please make sure to arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time.  Students in grades Kindergarten and 1st grade will only be released at the stop to a parent or an adult with permission on file.

We are looking forward to a smooth transportation year.  Please try to resolve any transportation issues/concerns with Frye Transportation at  724-371-0023.  If you are unable to resolve your transportation issues/concerns with the contractor please contact our Business Office. 

Frye Transportation

You can also visit the Frye Transportation website at