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Special Education

RASD Special Education Department

The Rochester Area School District offers a full continuum of special education programs and services to all students eligible for such services. Services for eligible students of school entry age through 21 years of age may be requested by contacting your child's school counselor.

Special Education programs available include services for eligible students who are identified as:

-Educationally Disabled
-Learning Disabled
-Visually Impaired
-Hearing Impaired
-Mentally Gifted
-Neurologically Impaired
-Other Health Impairments
-Physically Impaired
-Emotionally Disturbed
-Speech and Language Impaired
-Autistic/Pervasive Developmental Disorder


The Rochester Area School District conducts ongoing identification activities to determine if students are in need of special education services. Child Find refers to the activities performed by district personnel to identify, locate, and evaluate children residing in the district, including children attending private schools, who are suspected of needing special services. Special services include the entire spectrum of special education services from specially designed instruction in order to be academically successful to specially designed instruction for the gifted and talented.

We offer the following programs for eligible students:

-Transition Services
-Learning Support
-Emotional Support
-Gifted Support
-Life Skills Support
-Autistic Support
-Speech and Language Support


In addition to teachers and school counselors, parents or guardians may request their child be screened or evaluated for special education services. Requests for screening or evaluation should be made in writing your child's school counselor or to the RASD Special Education Office.

All information collected as part of an individual student referral or evaluation is treated in a confidential manner and does not become a part of the student’s permanent record file. A written policy regarding confidentiality of student records is available for review by contacting the building counselor, the building principal, or the clicking here.

For answers to specific questions about special education services, the screening or evaluation process, or any other information, please contact your child's s chool counselor or the RASD Special Education Office.

Please view the following file for additional Parent Resources for Special Education Students. (Click here)