Homeless Children and Youth Act
The McKinney-Vento Education Assistance Act of 2001
Homeless Children and Youth Act
The McKinney-Vento Education Assistance Act of 2001, (Public Law 104-110), ensures the education of homeless children and youth. The Rochester Area School District recognizes its obligation to ensure that all homeless students have access to the same educational programs and services provided to the other children in the district. The RASD works to identify homeless children in our School District and eliminate existing barriers to their attendance and education in compliance with Federal and State Laws. For more information regarding the McKinneyVento Education Assistance improvement Act of 2001, please contact the RASD Homeless Liaison, Mr. Nathan Leeman. 724-775-7500 ext. 1947.
Surrogate Parents
The RASD has a program that provides surrogate parents for children who are homeless or a ward of the state. These volunteers act as advocates for the student and help them make educational decisions.
District Plan for Identifying Students in Homeless Situations & Providing Services