Special Education & Student Services
The Rochester Area School District provides multiple programs and support services to meet the needs of our diverse students. Please review the various programs to see all of what our district has to offer and the resources available to the parents in our community.
For questions, concerns, and additional information for your child, please contact our Special Education Department.
Nathan Leeman
Director of Student Services, Special Education, GATE, Homeless Liaison, Title IX Coordinator, ELL Coordinator
724-775-7500 ext. 1193
Sheri V erric o
Special Education Secretary
724-775-7500 ext. 1191
Katrina S mith
School Psychologist
724-775-7500 Ext. 1192
Bureau of Special Education Monitoring
(Letter & Survey)
To complete the parent survey, parents should go online at http://apps.leaderservices.com/ParentSurvey.
To complete the student survey, students should go online at http://apps.leaderservices.com/StudentSurvey.