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Rochester Area Middle School (R.A.M.S.) Student Council

What is Student Council?

The Rochester Area Middle School (R.A.M.S.) Student Council is an organization conducted by student leaders and supervised by adult sponsors. The purpose of Student Council is to develop young leaders, and to serve the student body, the school, and the community. The Student Council at Rochester is the students’ voice in our school.

Who can be in Student Council at Rochester Area Middle School?

Student Council is open to students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. To represent your grade-level as a Student Council Representative, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must maintain a grade point average of 2.0 for all classes each semester.

  • You must maintain a good standard of citizenship.

  • You must be willing to give of your time and effort whenever needed.

  • You must serve as a positive role model to other students at Rochester Middle School

    • By having a positive attitude

    • By following all school/teacher rules

  • You must complete and turn in the application and meet requirements by the specified date.

When does Student Council meet?

R.A.M.S. Student Council will meet regularly on the first Wednesday of the month (unless otherwise noticed). However, students will be asked to work on projects during after-school hours, as needed.

What types of projects does Student Council do?

Most of the projects completed by the R.A.M.S. Student Council are service-oriented. First, we provide information to the students, faculty and community about such topics as drug/alcohol abuse, hunger/ community food banks, and safety/environmental awareness. We also sponsor monthly school-wide activities in order to build positive relationships and provide team-building experiences for all students in the junior high. Past activities have included:  Student of the Month Assemblies, Thanksgiving Luncheon, Christmas Dance, Valentine Day Ice Night, Student-Faculty Basketball Game, and Education Day at PNC Park (Academic Incentive), and Day at the Movies (Behavioral Incentive).

Mr. Ziegler and Mrs. Dorian are the student council sponsors and can be reached at or